Yoga for weight loss. Only if?

Group yoga classes for weight loss

In this article "Yoga for Weight Loss" we will talk about how yoga makes the process of weight loss the most effective, as opposed to using only diet remedies and what exercises should be included in the daily schedule.

Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Those who want to lose weight are asked if yoga helps to lose weight. They have obviously heard reviews about the benefits of yoga for weight loss somewhere, but still do not know exactly which decision to make and which choice to make - in favor of yoga or other practices. Therefore, after reading this article, you can arm yourself with the knowledge gained and decide if yoga lessons are right for you as you improve your figure.

To begin with, the practice of yoga really has the most positive impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual condition of the practitioner. Why are the emotional and spiritual aspects emphasized here as well? Because yoga without these two ingredients is unlikely to have a reputation as a diet analogue while without strict dietary guidelines. Meals here are not regulated at the initial stage. You can enjoy almost anything and the weight will disappear.

However, if you take a taste and start to get seriously involved in the practice of yoga asana, you will realize for yourself that the rejection of some specific product will only have a positive impact on the results of the practice. There is nothing special about these products, they do not even affect themselves and never affect the physical weight of the body. The fact is that some vegetables, such as onions and garlic, belong to the "game" category according to Ayurvedic laws, ie they carry low energy, so for a more successful practice of yoga it is better to exclude them from the diet.

Tamas food also includes animal foods in the form of meat and meat products. Real yogis usually do not take such foods and their diet is predominantly vegetarian, but we do not urge you to switch from ordinary foods to plant foods at some point, especially since the topic of this article is not directly related to gastronomic habits. . While there is no one without the other, and if you want to achieve decent results in improving your appearance, then you should consider an integrated approach to problem solving, as only a radical change in lifestyle can guarantee a stable desired result.

Slimming Yoga Classes and Yoga Slimming Poses

Regular yoga lessons for weight loss in groups or at home will bring great results if you follow the regime and discipline. Try to set aside time for your daily yoga practice and it is best to do this at the same time as this will help you develop a habit of exercising. For 21 days you should perform the asanas (poses) that you like the most from the presented below or whatever you choose based on your individual preferences.

Practicing yoga in nature

After three weeks you will no longer think about whether you should practice or not, you will be "taken" to the exercise, you will not even notice how you get involved in the process and once a missed lesson is perceived as a loss. It is not even about losing weight on your own, which will happen gradually and evenly, what is the undoubted advantage of yoga practice over other types of practices that promote weight loss. Yoga classes primarily replenish the body with energy (prana), and if yoga in the asana complexIf we incorporate the practice of pranayama (breathing exercises), then the effect of performing both practices will increase significantly, because pranayama is the art of control. Prana invisible energy that surrounds us and fills the whole universe and all living beings.

Why do you need to do pranayama? To restore the proper flow of energy in the body, which in itself will lead to changes in the functioning of many systems of the body and will lead to the restoration of the proper functioning of internal organs, which will affect the work of the digestive system and improve metabolism.

The functioning of the digestive tract affects the metabolism, although it is sometimes said that the metabolism affects the work of the whole organism. You may not agree with this, because the "fuel" for maintaining the physical body comes from outside, with food and with it the energy - prana. With the help of breathing exercises, energy is blocked inside. The body is removed. . .

Classic yoga for weight loss

Morning yoga for weight loss

Why is it considered that doing morning yoga is the most beneficial for weight loss? The fact is that in the morning, at the beginning of the day, you can perform types of asanas that activate the body's energy: these are warm-up exercise complexes, one of which is always popular with many yoga practitioners - Surya Namaskar.

The popularity of this complex lies in the fact that it is simple and can be mastered even at the initial stage of yoga lessons, but this does not diminish its value. It is a dynamic set of exercises consisting of basic asanas, in most of which the main elements are bending, bending and stretching. These types of asanas are especially effective in burning subcutaneous fat deposits, training muscles and stretching the spine.

It appears where the spinal column is - the foundation of the musculoskeletal system. And yet, it depends on the condition of your body and general posture. There can be no beautiful figure without a straight and beautiful pose. By itself, the body stretched above, the royal raised head looks visually thinner, the proud posture also affects the psychological state, so you automatically raise self-esteem and it plays an important role in weight loss.

Yoga stretching exercises for weight loss

Many people eat more than they need to because they "grab" inner dissatisfaction with themselves, with life situation. It has the function of providing the body with energy and to enjoy the taste of food to some extent, but in order to enjoy food, you do not need to consume large amounts of it. .

Weight Loss Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss

For starters you can do the following types of asanas:

  • stand,
  • Sat down
  • Sleeping
  • Slopes,
  • Deviations.

The most effective of the above asanas will be those in which there are inclinations and deviations. Since the asanas themselves are static poses, during their restraint the internal organs are massaged, the blood circulation increases and its flow to the part of the body that is focused on in a particular asana. Due to the fact that in the initial stage the asana is held for at least 30 seconds (this is the approximate length of time during which it is possible to do 6 cycles of inhalation and exhalation), it increases the healthy load on the internal organs, the blood. The flow increases, thus cleansing from accumulated toxins in the form of flushing out excess fat deposits and toxins, which prevents the proper functioning of the body's internal systems.

The list below will include asanas that are available even for beginners, and for those who are already practicing yoga, it will be helpful to include them in their daily complexion to avoid congestion in some parts of the body as well as most. Effective breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Yoga for beautiful posture
  • PavanamuktasanaHelps burn belly fat.
  • PadahastasanaHas a similar effect, but is performed from a standing position.
  • Fashchimotasana- Also lean forward, but from a sitting position.
  • Ushtrasana, Or camel posture, is a spinal curve that restores blood circulation around the waist, which is very beneficial.
  • Bujangasana, Or Cobra Pose, is also a rear bend with arm support.
  • DhanurasanaIt's somewhat similar to the cobra posture, but here you still need to maintain balance while lying on your stomach. But what a huge effect it has on the stomach!
  • Shalabhanasana, Or Locust Pose, also has a great effect on the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back.
  • Paripurna Navasana, Boat posture; This asana also focuses on exercising the abdominal muscles and thighs.
  • HalasanaAlthough it belongs to the inverted positions, it is very useful for stimulating the digestive tract and endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland.

This is just a rough list of poses to learn the principle. We must remember that the rule of compensation must be observed when performing asanas, that is, if you make an inclination, then there must be a deviation: the principle of rocking is from one side to the other. If you lean on one side, then you should do the same on the other.

By performing any yoga asana you stimulate the deep muscles of the body, which in itself has a positive effect on the general condition and makes the body more fit. Many complexes of yoga are heated and due to the additional production of internal heat, excess deposits are burned, so choosing an asana is quite simple. You can choose almost any position where the part of the body that you want to process and strengthen is included in the work. Fortunately, there is enough asana in yoga for everyone to find what they need.

We wish you an effective practice of Yoga Asana and Pranayama!